Back once again by demand, I am re-releasing my most popular course the Sister Circle Training. For this year the course is now available to start whenever the time feels right for you. There is no end date to make it even easier to complete at your own speed.

I’ve had so many people ask me to re-release this course as they missed out previously and there are now lots of lovely new followers who are also excited to take part, I poured my heart into creating this for you and have shared so much which will help guide and inspire others in how to create your own Sister Circle, the feedback from the previous releases was so overwhelmingly positive, I hope you also get so much from this!

Join me and your fellow sisters

Here’s what’s included:

  • Weekly introduction videos from me sharing more in-depth details and guidance
  • Formats for you to hold your own Sister Circles
  • An extensive but easy to follow PDF workbook to help guide you with ease
  • Your Sister Circle tool kit and playlist
  • Exercises to help guide you deeper into your vision
  • Meditation script
  • How to work with nature and the universes wisdom through your circles
  • Private FACEBOOK group, in order to create a safe space for you all to share and support each other on your journeys
  • How to market your Sister Circle
  • A bonus Mother’s Blessing and a Bridal Blessing Circle template

This is a digital online course which runs for 4 weeks, but you can complete in your own time, the documents and videos will remain on the website to allow you to complete this without pressure.

You will be sent details by email of how to access the course after purchase.