Over the years I have had the privilege of working with people from all corners of the globe in my one-on-one sessions.

Time and time again there has been a recurring common dream, the desire to launch a business that truly aligns with their purpose, allowing them to live the life they’ve always envisioned. The primary obstacle many face is figuring out how to effectively market and share their unique brand story with the world.

This is the knowledge I wish I had when I first embarked on my own online business journey. With over 15 years of experience in visual storytelling and a strong brand presence across multiple social platforms, I’ve not only attracted clients but also seized incredible opportunities.


My husband Steve has over 30 years worth of knowledge and expertise in graphic design and brand identity creation, which complements my experience perfectly.

Together, we’ve developed a new offering designed to empower creatives and holistic wellness businesses to shine in a soulful, authentic way.

Many find themselves stuck in the cycle of replicating others, relying on the same content and templates. But why conform when you have a unique soul? Our mission is to help you authentically express yourself, share your gifts, and illuminate your vision.


We will address common challenges such as identifying your ideal client, refining your brand identity, mastering the art of brand storytelling, and creating content that truly reflects your individuality.

We’ll guide you on how to utilise tools like Canva in ways that set you apart, recommend apps for streamlined content creation, and delve into the energetics of selling, including effective strategies for Instagram stories.

Month 1

Creating A Presence On Social Media

Guidance Medicine Reading®
Every Soul Aligned Business Mentoring Programme starts with a Guidance Medicine Reading®, receive clear guidance about the unique path aligned to your souls calling and understand your purpose.

Identify Your Ideal Client
Define and understand your soul aligned target audience/clients.

Instagram Audit
We will undertake a comprehensive review of your current Instagram profile for those who have already set up and are running their account.

Emailed Audit PDF
Receive the detailed audit report via email which offers tips and suggestions for enhancing your engagement, refers businesses actively on Instagram.

Bio Makeover
Craft a compelling and concise Instagram bio for maximum impact.

Q&A Session
Address your questions and provide tailored advice, for those who are in the early stages or are yet to start their business, this is an excellent time to gain support and invaluable knowledge, more time will be allocated to this session if its not possible to do an Instagram Audit at this stage.

Month 2

Create a Captivating Brand Presence

Master Brand Storytelling
Learn the art of creating engaging and authentic written and visual content. How to capture your businesses essence through photography and video and create an image bank that’s unique to you.

Storytelling for Sales
Techniques to utilise Instagram stories for effective sales.

Tools to Streamline
Tools to streamline and enhance your content creation process.

Tailored Content Ideas
Customised content ideas for your brand.

Image Banks of Content
How to create curated collection of images for your content.

Month 3

Define Your Unique Brand Essence

Unique Brand Essence
Identify the unique elements that make your business stand out.

The Visual Brand
Focus on the visual elements that represent your business.

Unique Templates
Receive 5-7 custom Canva templates for social media posts, story templates, promotional graphics, and more.

Your Brand’s Aesthetic
Establish a consistent visual style which authentically represents what you do.

Colour Palette
Colour can play a massive role in engaging your target audience, explore and develop a palette for your graphics and images which expresses the core of what your business does and how that can help you attract your soul aligned clients.

Optional Add-Ons
Logo design, website development and print/production services.

Month 4

Creating the Container to Hold You
Running a business shouldn’t lead to burnout. I will teach you how to hold space for yourself, manage your energy and create a sustainable business that supports your well-being.

Being Authentic
Embrace and express your true self.

Facing the Fears
Identify and overcome fears holding you back.

Clearing Your Blocks
Remove obstacles to your success.

Creating a Structure to Hold Your Energy
Develop a sustainable structure for maintaining your energy and focus.

Month 5

Getting Clear on Your Why
Understand and articulate your core motivations.

How to Open Up Money Channels
Explore strategies for generating revenue.

Your Offerings/Services
Based on the work we have put in so far, and everything you have learned about yourself and the business, define and refine your products or services.

Your Why!
Reinforce and clarify the fundamental purpose behind your business.

Month 6

Round Up Final Guidance Session
Summarise and consolidate all the mentoring insights.

Q&A Session
Final session to answer remaining questions and provide last-minute guidance.

Further Support
As the 6 month programme closes, this does not mean the end, I will remain available via WhatsApp and you can book a Guidance Reading at any time, should you need further clarity or validation.

A few lovely words from clients

“The time I spent with Emma was transformative in so many ways. She facilitated some deep changes and growth within me, lovingly pushing me to take up space and step into the woman I’ve dreamt of becoming for a long time. Emma is gentle and supportive whilst also being able to hold you accountable to help you get out of your own way. The ‘work’ never felt like work and I will always be grateful for her insight and support”

“Since working on Emma’s six month business mentoring program I’ve managed to build my dream business and just keep going. I think I’m a completely different woman. So much of that is down to Emma’s support. Not only have I grown a successful business, I’ve also learnt from Emma how to match my energy to my brand. It doesn’t feel like work! I’ve learnt rituals, spiritual practice and I’ve learnt to love social media. I can’t thank you enough Emma.”

“Emma has shown me my truth in Wild Ways. She has shown me that business isn’t scary and that I can do this work and create beauty. She has been my guide and mentor and allowed me to bloom into the business ‘medicine’ woman that has been hiding within. So much love and gratitude.”

“When Emma first launched her program, I was thrilled! I had been dreaming of starting my own wellness business but felt lost and overwhelmed by self-doubt. Observing Emma’s authentic and thriving online presence over the past four years convinced me she was the mentor I needed. This six-month journey has been transformative. I’ve grown personally, feel more at peace, and my business has just reached its first £10K milestone! Emma’s mentoring goes beyond business strategy; she helps you align with your brand’s energy and create a protective ‘bubble’ of care to prevent burnout. I can’t thank Emma enough!”

“For me the best part of this mentoring has been the way Emma has literally held my hand and guided me to finally start my business of my dreams. Emma had been like a sister, a friend who has supported me, and celebrated me. The fact I can get in touch and ask her anything, she’s always happy to help. I was sad when the 6 months came to an end”

Ready to Elevate Your Brand?

Imagine waking up every day excited to work on your business, knowing that it aligns perfectly with your soul’s purpose. Imagine attracting clients who resonate deeply with your story and vision. Imagine running a business that not only thrives but also brings you joy and fulfilment. This is all possible, and I’m here to guide you every step of the way. Ready to embark on this transformative journey?

Join our 6 month mentoring program and unlock the full potential of your brand. Transform your online presence, captivate your audience, and achieve your business goals with personalised guidance every step of the way.

Sign Up Now and Begin Your Journey to Success!


Package 1

A six month journey for your business; starting with a Guidance Medicine Reading® to gain unique insight,  improve or enhance engagement and interactions on social media or receive help in setting up if you are in the early stages of your business, define your uniqueness and how your brand appears visually, learn how to manage your energy, fears and obstacles, gain clarity on what you offer, who it is for and why, creating an authentic Soul Aligned Business.

A single up-front payment of £1500 (Saving £300) 0r split the payments up into 6 monthly instalments of £300 (due in advance of each session).

Package 2

A 2 month programme which focuses solely on your social media, this is ideal for a business which is being prepared to launch or is already up and running but might need a refocus. The first month titled ‘Presence’ is designed to identify areas where your account can be improved, this is achieved by starting with a Guidance Medicine Reading® to gain unique insight into your purpose, a detailed Instagram review which offers tips and suggestions for enhancing your engagement, we will work on creating a compelling and concise bio, plus defining and understanding your soul aligned target audience. If you are in the process of starting up, instead of the audit, more time will be allocated to the Q&A session for you to gain support and invaluable knowledge.

The second month ‘Storytelling’ explores creating captivating written and visual content which is authentic and effective. Develop techniques to utilise Instagram stories to improve sales, refine photography, video and editing skills creating a unique and consistent style for your brand.

A single up-front of £600 or split the payments into 2 monthly instalments of £300 (due in advance of each session).

Enquire | Book Now

Disclaimer; I am here to empower and guide you BUT your life is your own creation to make. I can’t do the work for you, it’s is your commitment to yourself to do the hard work.  I believe you already know where it is you need to go and what it is you need to do, I can’t decide for you. I am only your guide on your path  to  find your way home to your authentic self.